Friday, October 24, 2008

lately. . .

1. there's someone outside my house and keep knocking d main door. "knock, knock, knock" without salam or helo. always happened at noon and night. i once asked, "SIAPA?" but no answer. when i opened d door. NO ONE outside. (no worries, double layered door). dada my roomate is d one who always there when d knock happened. there's a time she threw pillow to me (coz i'm listening to pod all d time) and saying d knock was there again. LOL. now she left for holidays. and i'm alone. damn. okay.. keep listening to d pod!

2. i skipped class too much! ha ha ha

3. we love jamming! amai, our guitar sifoo n d others addicted to play STAY by estrella everytime. so x paham.... done jammed, then haziq (drums) asked me; "lagu ape sebenarnye yg kita main tadi?" - HA HA HA.. lame.

ouch i loveee dis pic so much! feel like hugging her!

credit goes to topex for dis pic.

4. i'm having bad bad stomach ! what in came out in a minutes. right. im experienced d same right now. we r so alike in many things. sibuk je.

5. everyday is OLD TOWN day.
me to him : i want breakfast at OT
friend 1 : jom oldtown
friend 2 : jom oldtown
friend 3 : jom oldtown

just because i like their coffee dont ask me everytime u guys wanna eat there. okay? note dat im !

njoying her bihun tomyam. i used to like dat but not anymore. euw.

there's still no 5;

5. i'm broke. sigh.


waNNa_eXess said...


ade band sudey!!!

men 1 lagu nut!!!

nad said...

itu bukan BAND
itu cuma gabungan rookie2
yg hanya tau memecahkan studio

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

paznie leh gegar kan blok muzix taun depan!