just got back from oldtown
borak2 wif mia n her cute valuable 'assistant', peepah
makin cumil peepah, abes naik syeikh ryna creepy
it was fun! thanx mia n peepah. sian mengantuk gile!
n hv a safe journey tomorrow mia!
* * *after ntahpape hari malang today
like bangun pagi n no one at home except kak zue
breakfast together wothout words
let d tvs talking
and study for badminton judging test at 2pm
and it was sux
susah giler
2hours paper yg ntahpape
then balik home alone again
sent kak zu to lrt cheras, nak blk kg
n i went to toilet like hell byk kali
must b kak zu punya mee yg pedas gile
lepak lepak lepak
till im smsed me
'r u goin tonite?'
duh malas. mood lari. but im like always gud in persuading.
'okay, tunggu kat gad'
so i blah to maktab bout 830
fetched im at srimas
str8 to maktab
d battle of d bands was just okay
d crowd x sporting lgsung
but kudos to band selina who won d battle
they deserve it
done wif d BOB
out wif d gups n mia n peepah
so thats it for today
yeah my life still stuck wif d guppies