Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today. 10 Feb

i sneeezed all day.
wif high body temp.
slept during classes.

magically, i was a bit healed when i home?

Saviour is waiting for me.
ha ha ha.

but i cudnt finish him today. i need a rest. T_T
back to u later HANDSOME

* * *

trying exia wif the stand. too big for him

someone bought 18" The Crow. freak! :p


SIR ZUL said...

doremon ada x??
ak minat nk psg doremon..hehe

Mrs Nurul said...

gila weh, mahall. aku dah survey.
ade tak tempat yang murah?
kalau dah beli banyak2 buat la show case. =)
picture plzz~

ps : dayah kim salam hahah

nad said...

ada yg murah.
tapi cam ayam la. bukan bandai punye. hehe.
aku survey kat lowyat plg byk model lama. yg baru byk kat times. kelabu mata p low yat. sana d best.
tp action figure lain ade yg times lg murah.. kena p survey 2-2 tmpat.. kat sg wang waaaay mahal.

amik scale kecik murah laa.

ps : cakap ngan dayah. hr ni dia tido luaq. haha

eRmAbuTAng said...

aku keje kilang psang action figure skunk

p/s : pnt seyh aku tengking bdk2 tuh,,,
rugi ko x join
k aku nk pengsan dh :(

[PaaN1904] said...

slmt memasang ur saviour..
he is handsome.. :) nice one..

nad said...

@ miss1904:
saviour is done!
piccas coming soon!

@ erma:
please keep me updated bout the PAUS. haha