i thot i was okay when i woke this morning.
so i decided to go to class tho i'm big late.
and 1st period is gerko OLAHRAGA for 2 hours.
imagine that. i felt like in a fire.
and wif heavy flu.
thank god i managed to hold d pain till 330.
back home n took painkiller.
i continued with Saviour. must done him TODAY!
after 3 hours i'm done with him! ^__^
see how charming he is!
sooo cooolll...
korg ni wat aku jeles..haha
dah puas hati siap saviour.
padahal ade 3 lg x pasang.
ha ha.
relax2 dlu..~~
tix... beli la satu.
yg kecik murah je weh..
besh concentrate wat nih.
kat psp xde game pasang2 nih.
bestnye ade lg 3...
cres..pe lg..bli je ar..
miss 1904 / paan
u duk mana? kl gak ke?
but saya xde gundam 1/60 cam awak. ha ha. force impuls cam your punya pun yg 1/100 je. tu pon dlm kotak lg. -_-"
aku ada 1/60 pemadam
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