Arches Cluster, our friends were there performing this evening. i came along to support em. they played well, kewl and nice music (seriously i like their music not just because i knw em). but sound system @ paul's place amat hambar. amat geram masa mirul main synth for Different. pecah berkecai bunyi. sigh. nyway here d pics. u guys did well dun wory. extra thumbs up for d vox. pete kesayangan saya. ;p

fun but tiring.
i knw i'l hate MONDAY like always.
Monday, please be good.
oh yeah. miss this.
oh.wat happen to d gmbar all green?
extra flash needed? mebbe. :lol
act, aku teringin sungguh pergi tgk performing mereka ini, tp x dpt.
mungkin, jika bf aku jd drummer. hahaha>
kasihan photographer kami x dpt join.
yg ade cuma p1i dan k850i.
ha ha ha.
lightning stage mmg kaler ijau je. kamera kami plak paling CANGGIH. nak wat camna. ;D
p/s: next gig 21 Mac MCPA Hall. bawa bf kamu so kami ade TWIN photographer. hihi
oh. ok.
tolong ingatkan aku nanti tentang gig itu.
aku mau try tgkap gmbar dlm susana lack of lightning..
bersame bf aku sekali..
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