slept at 5am last nite after long chat wif b.
i woke at 945am coz i thot k hanim surprise party is during lunch.
no answer till 11am. when i started having running nose, terus kemas2 rumah.. bilik especially coz i'm bit sensitive to dusk.
the bday party surprise is at dinner.
i woke my b to teman me str8 to BB to find my Saviour Gundam. from timesq to low yat to sg wang and back to timesq .. looking for a value buy. end up bought it all at low yat coz i only found saviour there. and only 2 left. one is 1/144 HG and the other is 1/100. well.... scroll down to see wat i bought there.
reached *mas around 7. they done wif the decoration. helping fafa wif d sosej madu after maghrib. d guys were so late. the surprise r supposed at 830 but then coz they r big late, its started at 930. k hanim was touched. ha ha. fafa lied to her that we hv test tomorrow so we cant join her bigpot party. lol.
GAAAMEEES. done makan2. we played CHARADE -again-.
till it's nearly 12.. back home wif d guys.
n now here i'm blogging reporting my day.
here is d pics for today. HAPPY B'DAY KAK HANIM !

dat time aku kat amber kol 11..patut ah nmpk kete kaw kat *mas..
waahh..more gundam.. :P
aku lupa rotate picture
jantan hot yg retsricted utk kita
n yet didie said
i was in my flirty dress
doesnt make sense kn?
glad u join us :D
*mode demam x ckp byk~*
tgk bola? x ajak aku seyh. dah nampak tu roger2 la sket.
@miss 1904:
yes. susah nak dpt GSD pnye design. sbb dah lama sgt. haha. orang dah nak buang i baru nak main.. ;p
@erma :
gambaq tu mmg x mau rotate. ko igt aku sengal cam kau ke? haha.
not talk much? so not u.
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