i'm glad i stayed at puchong, my abang long n famly house last weekend.
since home is sunyi and i was left alone. lol.
i'm happy to see little adam again. suke sgt adam! and kak reeny was busy making chocolate for the customer. yes kandadinda wedding cards is still run n now they r into kandadinda chocolate for door gift/wedding n apa2 pun bleh!
well. i helped a bit ^__^

more pictures at kandadinda.vox.com
for order, go to kadkahwin.com
* * *
yes. i cut my hair ! short one.

giler comel budak tu!!!
u did the chocs?
i want!!!!
oh myy
cantek nye chocs tu..nmpk sedap! serious kak reeny buat choc jgak? hahaha...bestnyee
kawen la cpat nad..;p
adam dh besaaaaa...rambut cumiiil jeee...
n ur hair..
yg penting
highlite tuh.haha
tu la..alone kunun..org swuh dtg umah xnaaaak..uhuu..
@ raja nad:
my nephew! only neph.
smart kan?
u want?
later. hehe
@ fafa :
yep.. dia p kelas choc.
n now wat bisnes choc.
later klau ade extra aku anta umah ko eh.
how old ur nephew?? damn cute la!! akak ni suka tumbuk orang!! HAHAHAHAHA :D
@ raja nad :
1 yo and 10 months
u deserved it !
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