Monday, April 18, 2005

Yay ~ Finished my class.. phew~

Yosh.. hahaha 1stly, Happy Belated Besday to my beloved frens Laila Nazneen a.k.a lainaz [u r 18 dis 28/4!!], Mohsin~onii-san a.k.a Cool_Knight [22/4 dunno how old r ya!] ahehe and my cyberfren, kaolla [30/4]~~ yay, dis month my days really2 busy and i dun have a time for readin paper and magazines.. i bought "majalah pc" early dis month, still havent read it yet.. also my last week newspaper-NST. i'm planning to take ESOL test dis June. what ESOL? it's English for Speaker Other Languages test. one will get certificate from Cambridge University if passed dis test. yay~ with my dis broken + poor english.. i never think dat i'll passed it! ;p~
*tak lupa jugak mari kita sambut hari maulidur-rasul bersama2, yay~ aku nak g masjid baru yong peng sambut maulud sape nak ikut??! ahaha*

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