Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
hujan showcase
actually i refused to go at 1st. so, no ticket for me. but then kil badly need to back home so i got d ticket from her. long story short, the showcase was unexpectedly very GOOD. omg i enjoyed the show! seriously ther'r really something. well. front seat babe~
coco, d opening band
see. noh main 3 guitars yg se-mart!
go jaja~ d new bassist


yes. i admit it, im
noh is kinda CUTE
but of course i adore AG more!
give me ur GODIN!
Friday, October 24, 2008
lately. . .
2. i skipped class too much! ha ha ha
3. we love jamming! amai, our guitar sifoo n d others addicted to play STAY by estrella everytime. so x paham.... done jammed, then haziq (drums) asked me; "lagu ape sebenarnye yg kita main tadi?" - HA HA HA.. lame.

4. i'm having bad bad stomach ! what in came out in a minutes. right. im experienced d same right now. we r so alike in many things. sibuk je.
5. everyday is OLD TOWN day.
me to him : i want breakfast at OT
friend 1 : jom oldtown
friend 2 : jom oldtown
friend 3 : jom oldtown
just because i like their coffee dont ask me everytime u guys wanna eat there. okay? note dat im !
there's still no 5;
5. i'm broke. sigh.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
currently. .
Monday, October 20, 2008
u k e !

own uke !
i did tried using guitar where i put d capo in d 5th fret,
yaa i can play VAMPIRE by antsy pants!
but badly, i want to own ONE !
gotta find one soon.
ya ya i did survey on net.
got one here n there.
find one at guitar store last time.
costs around 160 i guess?
oh my.
back to reality, NUT !
final exam coming !
p/s: seriously, kokokaina inspired me loads!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
circulation gone
i just doing so-so in ktbm.
tho kinda great in ktbi.
whatever it is done.
* * *
i'm surrounded with gloomy n moody air around me.
best friends wif things n such.
yeah it's hard guys.
b strong.
and jalan terus.
i dont knw somewhere i shud put my self as lucky.
where i have my family. and him by my side.
things going well n flow nicely day by day
but then.
i'm afraid in the same time.
what i'l face next?
ya Allah. peliharalah hidupku. Amin.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
ktbm - ktbi - ktWTF?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
been tagged by ermabutang.
State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.
1- sharing bukan slalu caring. aku x suka share cawan. sekian
2- aku x suka org lambat2 dan buat aku menunggu cam driver
3- i hate durian. nak makan pegi jauh2 dr aku.
4- amat cerewet dan memilih makanan. x makan makanan rapu seperti kuih raya dan kerepek2. jadi jangan kecik hati ye.
5- susah untuk menghabiskan seceduk nasi berbanding dua pinggan spagheti. he he
6- suka suka suka sangat kopi. lebih2 lg menikmati di old town white coffee. bersama dia.
7- w/pun gemar kopi. aku x pandai minum kat starbucks. aku minum kopi murah sahaja.
8- suka membaca novel tanpa henti. xde sambung2. baca bagi abes 1-2hari.
9- prefer english stories, films, music n bla bla bla. tapi x pandai2 gak english.
10- suka suka suka vintage thingy. kan erma kan? ;)
11- berharap memiliki sebiji DSLR camera
12- suka suka suka mengumpul pendants & rings
13- memilih hanya menonton filem aksi di cinema sahaja. rasa membuang masa menonton filem hantu dan komedi melayu.
14- no ear piercing. nop nop nop.
pe0ple i will t0rture wif taggin
- fafa
- tixx
- bila j
- wanna
- didiw
- neo
- you, readers
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
how white are you?
i'm doing this at last.
please visit my blogshop of white gold here ;
how W H I T E are you ?
(click here)