blur . . .
banyak gila keje
nak lukis anatomi yg x abes2
nak wat ujian diagnostik sengal tuh
nak anta esok plak
and going back yong peng tomorrow eve
'l doing my sbe [skool based experience] at hometown
then skool holidays
means i'l b home for 2 weeks
i'm not ready !!
damn punye pengarah! director x gune!
y i'm blaming her?
semalam, after rehearsal sports day.. went to jj wif my guppies. gud timing, tepat je dtg pg tu jj br buka. punyela huha shopping njoying d empty mall, tetiba je ditegur by someone yg sangat familiar. guess who? d college's driver wif d ms director of ipik. and she was like; WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??? ur not supposed to be here! balik balik balik!!
me n fafa was like.. wtf?? treated us like budak sekolah?? i walked away ignoring her and ran wif d others! ha ha. kesian fafa kene lecture sorg2. nasib baik die pelakun terbaik kitorang. WATERVER okay!! damnit~ then we ran to tesco nearby for lunch. rase mcm diperhatikan je sehari suntuk. sheet~
so i'm blaming her coz ruined my days. geex~ *sigh
Saturday, February 23, 2008
lots things happened
malam khamis lepas kitorang p main futsal. punye la last minute punye cari org x cukup, main je 8 orang suka suka. start kul 12mlm main nye sekejap je minum je lebey. letih menjerit je. ceh. abes dlm kul 230 sembang plak kat mcd sambil tgk manutd vs lyon. as expected, draw.. even x smpat tgk abes.. kul 5 da balik sbb ngantuk sgt. tahniah kepada erma sbb dapat mcd free akibat taktik kotornye. ha ha

semalam pulak g movie marathon ngan kak mun. both of us in bad mood. so layan movie je. tgk dunia baru the movie, sux... korg jgn tgk citer nih tahpape. x guna la sape yg recommend kat aku nih... cj7 sekali lagi.. much better dr dunia baru. ngan kungfu dunk. hmm bolehla, citer die x menarik sgt tapi aksi die yg plus plus. hope dapat tgk jumper pasni.. kalau2 la org tu igt die ade hutang jumper ngan aku. lol

i <3 yogurberry
and this morning, nak kuar g makan, duit terbang 160.. shit. nak start engine je alarm bunyi tp engine x idup. battery weak! ayah suh p tuka terus. abes abes dan abes duit aku. mahal gile batt kl nih. hidup2 ditipu! pas tuka batt terus g makan n then g saloon ngan ryna and kil... walaupon saloon fav, tapi td mmg cam hampeh. dah la lama gile, duit abes, hilang highlite aku!

dunt wanna show the result its ugly
semalam pulak g movie marathon ngan kak mun. both of us in bad mood. so layan movie je. tgk dunia baru the movie, sux... korg jgn tgk citer nih tahpape. x guna la sape yg recommend kat aku nih... cj7 sekali lagi.. much better dr dunia baru. ngan kungfu dunk. hmm bolehla, citer die x menarik sgt tapi aksi die yg plus plus. hope dapat tgk jumper pasni.. kalau2 la org tu igt die ade hutang jumper ngan aku. lol
and this morning, nak kuar g makan, duit terbang 160.. shit. nak start engine je alarm bunyi tp engine x idup. battery weak! ayah suh p tuka terus. abes abes dan abes duit aku. mahal gile batt kl nih. hidup2 ditipu! pas tuka batt terus g makan n then g saloon ngan ryna and kil... walaupon saloon fav, tapi td mmg cam hampeh. dah la lama gile, duit abes, hilang highlite aku!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
tuesday 19 feb
semoga arwah ditempatkan bersama2 org yg beriman
Sunday, February 17, 2008
cerita tadi
pagi smalam blk kg yong peng. urgent. hantar brg2 ayah pnye psaraan. so pagi td naik bas balik sini smula. naik kkkl dari bp. pukul 930. single seat dah abes. so tpakse duk double seat yg x diketahui sape org kat sblah nih. baru nak pasang music player je ade sorang uncle salah tempat duduk. die duduk kat single seat. rupanye seat die sblah aku.. aiseh. demand sungguh suruh aku bangun sebab nak masuk. pdhal besa amat ruang die nak lalu. aiseh lagi.. uncle ni bau rokok dan masam! die bawak selai paper ngan satu buku kecik je. x nampak cam traveller. then die tanye;
uncle : dik, nak pegi penang ka?
aku : x lah uncle. nak g kl la [aiseh aku salah bas ke die nih?]
uncle : oooh, sama la aku..
HAAAAAAAAAA??? dah tu yang ko tanye aku nak p penang tu pasallllll apeeeee?? aku dah start pk uncle nih cam x brape betul. so aku malas nak layan die, pasang la player and start bukak the kite runner yg x abesh2 bace lg... agak bas dah jalan 5 min tgh khusyuk baca... org tua nih selambanye kacau aku lagi;
uncle : dik, sekolah kl sana ka?
aku : ah ye.. ye..
uncle : oooh, sama la aku.. aku sekolah gak [sambil tunjuk buku yg die tgh bace, then tunjuk cover buku tu kat aku.. then die gelak2 LOL]
aku : haa? [x paham lalu tgk coer buku die]
buku : [ada gambar 3 ekor kuda sedang berlari dan nombor2]
BBBAAAAAABBBBBB 111111111111 !!! apsal la ade orang camnih dalam dunia nih???? dan kenapa aku ditakdirkan duduk kat seblah die hari nihhhh??? aku terus x pandang2 die lagi. walaupun aku perasan bape kali die tgk aku cam nak bual2. huh. xde maknenye! then die tgk aku x respon die bukak buku lumba kuda die tuh. smpat gak usha die bleh plak wat formula cam sistem piramid suma tuh wat nombor. omg~ naseb die senyap je smpai la kl. huh~ macam2!
* * * * *
one of my very best fren mom's tgh ade kat icu. keadaan mcm sgt teruk. smpai doc said dah x bleh buat apa2. please pray for her, frens. i knw her and she's very nice mom. i apologized to imnie i cant come visit her mom like d others did today. and she said its ok, she'l cry if i did; sbb ibu pernah peluk kau, nut. ouch.. :'((
even kak mun yg pergi tgk pun crying when i called her asking whats happening there. sheet. i feel like wanna cry now! so whoever read this, berdoalah ibu im dipanjangkan umurnya dan sembuh sepenuhnya. AMIN.
* * * * *

just one page of this book really make me cry. amir reads d letter hassan wrote for him and when rahim khan tell him hassan was murdered by d Taliban, amir is like, NO NO NO. ouch.. :'[
nasib pakai rayban, malu kalau x kat uncle judi sblah..
uncle : dik, nak pegi penang ka?
aku : x lah uncle. nak g kl la [aiseh aku salah bas ke die nih?]
uncle : oooh, sama la aku..
HAAAAAAAAAA??? dah tu yang ko tanye aku nak p penang tu pasallllll apeeeee?? aku dah start pk uncle nih cam x brape betul. so aku malas nak layan die, pasang la player and start bukak the kite runner yg x abesh2 bace lg... agak bas dah jalan 5 min tgh khusyuk baca... org tua nih selambanye kacau aku lagi;
uncle : dik, sekolah kl sana ka?
aku : ah ye.. ye..
uncle : oooh, sama la aku.. aku sekolah gak [sambil tunjuk buku yg die tgh bace, then tunjuk cover buku tu kat aku.. then die gelak2 LOL]
aku : haa? [x paham lalu tgk coer buku die]
buku : [ada gambar 3 ekor kuda sedang berlari dan nombor2]
BBBAAAAAABBBBBB 111111111111 !!! apsal la ade orang camnih dalam dunia nih???? dan kenapa aku ditakdirkan duduk kat seblah die hari nihhhh??? aku terus x pandang2 die lagi. walaupun aku perasan bape kali die tgk aku cam nak bual2. huh. xde maknenye! then die tgk aku x respon die bukak buku lumba kuda die tuh. smpat gak usha die bleh plak wat formula cam sistem piramid suma tuh wat nombor. omg~ naseb die senyap je smpai la kl. huh~ macam2!
one of my very best fren mom's tgh ade kat icu. keadaan mcm sgt teruk. smpai doc said dah x bleh buat apa2. please pray for her, frens. i knw her and she's very nice mom. i apologized to imnie i cant come visit her mom like d others did today. and she said its ok, she'l cry if i did; sbb ibu pernah peluk kau, nut. ouch.. :'((
even kak mun yg pergi tgk pun crying when i called her asking whats happening there. sheet. i feel like wanna cry now! so whoever read this, berdoalah ibu im dipanjangkan umurnya dan sembuh sepenuhnya. AMIN.
just one page of this book really make me cry. amir reads d letter hassan wrote for him and when rahim khan tell him hassan was murdered by d Taliban, amir is like, NO NO NO. ouch.. :'[
nasib pakai rayban, malu kalau x kat uncle judi sblah..
Friday, February 15, 2008
cry for nothing
just watched cj7 wif erma. amik quote ema, membazir air mata je!!! seriously !! stephen chow mmg kreatif wat kitorg mnagis sia2 kerana dia mati idup balik. geram aku. but it was a GOOD movie. dicky yg amat talented. kisah kekeluargaan yg amat touching. duh. 4 stars please. anyone yg blum tgk blehla tgk cpat b4 citer ni kuar panggung. it wont b d same typical kungfu stories yg stephen wat cam dlu2. thumbs up.
ema bought sweeney todd soundtrack cd. layaaan ! johanna~~~~
ema bought sweeney todd soundtrack cd. layaaan ! johanna~~~~
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year !!
Sony Ericsson P1i
bought this phone last monday. ha ha ha. let go my w700i due to speaker problem. ceh padahal mmg da lama nak p1i. very nice and obviously smart phone. kewl screen touch phone wif wifi. damn gud bye my lappy. ;p
ow ya, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR everyone. ~
Friday, February 01, 2008
money is everything
studies gettin tougher and i hate it.
i missed my sempoi lecturers in foundation damn much. cheh. i wont give up just because of this but its really really hard. i hate u mr assesment. /close topic/
skipped evening classes and group disscussion, i went shopping yesterday noon. yes, money is everything for me. its fun, crazy loveable yesterday. then i met fafa at timesquare (huh?) and lunch together at gasoline. its my 1st time at gasoline which fafa, ema n ryna keep saying its a cool place. yes it is. very COOL. i shivered all d time k!

me + fafa

gas0line nice glass
bought tickets -CUCI at 430 we went bowling after lunch. fafa lose bet in 1st game so she paid for the 2nd which she beated me! lol. CUCI is okay. just okay. i rate CUCI 3.5 stars. watch for once is enough. seriously.
at nite. we went back to timesquare to watch meet the spartans. b4 that we'd our late dinner at mcd BB. fafa n ryna amat seronok mengusha zakuan look alike guy kat meja sebelah. sampah giler. lol


waiting for "now seating" sign
play at 1200 am. people really enjoying the show but i slept in d half way. fafa pun sama! never in my life b4 i sleep @ cinema. lol. keluar pun mamai je cari lif. nasib selamat sampai rumah.. *sigh~
what time did i woke up today? 130pm. seriously langsung x sedar. then went to shah alam to fetch bubu (fa's sis) at uitm punye besh langsung x sesat even x pernah drive ke sana b4. haa. fafa belanja at one metre teh tarik. very nice place. snap!

makan pun sedap!
here now, baru je sampai umah.
thanx fafa, bubu n ryna. u gals made my day. lol.
so, where r we goin tomorrow?... ;p

do i look nice?
told u money is everything! LOL
i missed my sempoi lecturers in foundation damn much. cheh. i wont give up just because of this but its really really hard. i hate u mr assesment. /close topic/
skipped evening classes and group disscussion, i went shopping yesterday noon. yes, money is everything for me. its fun, crazy loveable yesterday. then i met fafa at timesquare (huh?) and lunch together at gasoline. its my 1st time at gasoline which fafa, ema n ryna keep saying its a cool place. yes it is. very COOL. i shivered all d time k!
bought tickets -CUCI at 430 we went bowling after lunch. fafa lose bet in 1st game so she paid for the 2nd which she beated me! lol. CUCI is okay. just okay. i rate CUCI 3.5 stars. watch for once is enough. seriously.
at nite. we went back to timesquare to watch meet the spartans. b4 that we'd our late dinner at mcd BB. fafa n ryna amat seronok mengusha zakuan look alike guy kat meja sebelah. sampah giler. lol
play at 1200 am. people really enjoying the show but i slept in d half way. fafa pun sama! never in my life b4 i sleep @ cinema. lol. keluar pun mamai je cari lif. nasib selamat sampai rumah.. *sigh~
what time did i woke up today? 130pm. seriously langsung x sedar. then went to shah alam to fetch bubu (fa's sis) at uitm punye besh langsung x sesat even x pernah drive ke sana b4. haa. fafa belanja at one metre teh tarik. very nice place. snap!
here now, baru je sampai umah.
thanx fafa, bubu n ryna. u gals made my day. lol.
so, where r we goin tomorrow?... ;p
told u money is everything! LOL
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