connection yang extremely siput babi really pissed me. dah berjuta kali buat aduan pun orang streamyx ni amik endah x endah je. geram betul. mementang duk kampung je. kejap dapat kejap x dapat. aku pakai dial up pon lagi bagus tau taaaaaak?! *sakit hati*
rite. aku kat kampung. 3 minggu. lama tu. tak tahu nak buat apa. kerja? gila. bukan gila. jangan harap. *lol*. baru 3 hari dah rasa nak balik kl balik. sebab internet je pun nak rebel ke? ish. sabar jelah. masa ni satu je yang dalam kepala otak aku ni. pergi swimming. best nya. mesti oli tengah swimming kat srimas tuh. duh, i really need this vacation. and i need a pool. no. beaches r better. i wanna try snorkelling. this gonna be damn cool. pulau tioman. pulau sibu? which one [or WANT?] do u prefer people?
*keep dreaming*
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
shud b study week
07/05 - ENGLISH
08/05 - Tamadun Asia Tamadun Islam
14/05 - Pengurusan Gerko
21/5 - Pendidikan di Malaysia |0830-1000 am
22/5 - Psikologi Perkembangan Kanak-kanak |0830-1000 am
23/5 - Special Education (Deaf) |0830-1000 am
24/5 - Special Education (Communication) |0830-1000 am
i'm facing more final sem papers next week
wish me BIG luck.
08/05 - Tamadun Asia Tamadun Islam
14/05 - Pengurusan Gerko
21/5 - Pendidikan di Malaysia |0830-1000 am
22/5 - Psikologi Perkembangan Kanak-kanak |0830-1000 am
23/5 - Special Education (Deaf) |0830-1000 am
24/5 - Special Education (Communication) |0830-1000 am
i'm facing more final sem papers next week
wish me BIG luck.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
it's May 16
okay, HAPPY TEACHERS DAY people !!
I got tagged by Nabila J! [>,<] Here's the tag :
"People who are tagged should write a blogpost of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog."
#1# minat yang banyak tapi x terbuat
- yup, i easily stick to something but not seriously into it! contohnye, tennis, badminton, swimming, etc.. when i tried em for d 1st time, i always tot "yes, this is something dat i really2 want to spend ma time wif!".. but then after couples of times i stopped doin` it! ha ha~.. now, it's only bowling dat i really practise, and i just started to attend d swimming class again. LOL
#2# bersukan
- yep, i never tot dat i'll really love doing sports and so does other people think! sejak dipaksa main semua kat sini, i found dat they'r really enjoyable~
#3# pengurusan wang
- seorang yang susah berjimat walaupun selalu berniat ke arah itu.. >,<
#4# last minute person
- x kira la samade wat decision or wat homework, i think i really need to work more for dis.
#5# friendship
- yep, walaupun aku nampak sambil lewa, friendship is really important for me. y? jujurnya, i'm not really close to ma parent n siblings so that i always think friends r the only people i can share everything wif. so,i always make sure people around me feel comfort when they r wif me. if u hate d way i'm doin it, just tell. if u back stab me, u'll get to d hell. and i'l hv no probs losing dat.
#6# relationship?
- i'm reaaallly hard to fall to guys! ha ha i'm soo gay~ ;p
okay then, here.. i'm tagging erma, fafa, wawa, kilod, ryna and U! * i wonder who's reading ma blog?*
I got tagged by Nabila J! [>,<] Here's the tag :
"People who are tagged should write a blogpost of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog."
#1# minat yang banyak tapi x terbuat
- yup, i easily stick to something but not seriously into it! contohnye, tennis, badminton, swimming, etc.. when i tried em for d 1st time, i always tot "yes, this is something dat i really2 want to spend ma time wif!".. but then after couples of times i stopped doin` it! ha ha~.. now, it's only bowling dat i really practise, and i just started to attend d swimming class again. LOL
#2# bersukan
- yep, i never tot dat i'll really love doing sports and so does other people think! sejak dipaksa main semua kat sini, i found dat they'r really enjoyable~
#3# pengurusan wang
- seorang yang susah berjimat walaupun selalu berniat ke arah itu.. >,<
#4# last minute person
- x kira la samade wat decision or wat homework, i think i really need to work more for dis.
#5# friendship
- yep, walaupun aku nampak sambil lewa, friendship is really important for me. y? jujurnya, i'm not really close to ma parent n siblings so that i always think friends r the only people i can share everything wif. so,i always make sure people around me feel comfort when they r wif me. if u hate d way i'm doin it, just tell. if u back stab me, u'll get to d hell. and i'l hv no probs losing dat.
#6# relationship?
- i'm reaaallly hard to fall to guys! ha ha i'm soo gay~ ;p
okay then, here.. i'm tagging erma, fafa, wawa, kilod, ryna and U! * i wonder who's reading ma blog?*
Monday, May 14, 2007
okay, i hate taking bus home
helo people
one week left for d final xm. and i am much unready.
yes, it shud be study weeks rite now. but we still hving classes and havent done all d subtopics yet. bpg really doin sux for our syllabus. yet we still their experiment products. duh..
i'd done my titas and english paper last week. guess it was okay. and classes still on like always. and ms wang started an evening class! that is very damn not a good time for us to face d LCD and books! i love her commitment, she's really good in doin` her duty but she just over hardworking. okay miss, take ur time y dun u go for a holiday?!

it was J card day, but she just made us a bad day

okay, that was really clear xplanation
we celebrated babies in april, may and june birthdays last thursday. d cakes and food again sponsored by our tutor, mama yuz~ thanx so much!

i'm not included, but yeah there was me. ha ha
happy belated n coming bday guys~!
mom forced me to get back yong peng in friday. it was because of my road tax nearly expired. duh, me myself x noticed pun! careless nyee! and yeah I HATE TAKING BUS HOME! kkkl sold out and hasry bus really damn sux. it was sooo lembab gila b****! i nearly kicked off d bus driver. duuuuuuuuuuuh~! i'll never use their service again!
*pissed off*
this one is the must.
adam syahmi is gettin cuter!

he looks like a girl!
and 'sepet'!

he loves camera much!
yeah, his mom n dad keep busy sending mms of his pic. budak bertuah!
one week left for d final xm. and i am much unready.
yes, it shud be study weeks rite now. but we still hving classes and havent done all d subtopics yet. bpg really doin sux for our syllabus. yet we still their experiment products. duh..
i'd done my titas and english paper last week. guess it was okay. and classes still on like always. and ms wang started an evening class! that is very damn not a good time for us to face d LCD and books! i love her commitment, she's really good in doin` her duty but she just over hardworking. okay miss, take ur time y dun u go for a holiday?!
we celebrated babies in april, may and june birthdays last thursday. d cakes and food again sponsored by our tutor, mama yuz~ thanx so much!
happy belated n coming bday guys~!
mom forced me to get back yong peng in friday. it was because of my road tax nearly expired. duh, me myself x noticed pun! careless nyee! and yeah I HATE TAKING BUS HOME! kkkl sold out and hasry bus really damn sux. it was sooo lembab gila b****! i nearly kicked off d bus driver. duuuuuuuuuuuh~! i'll never use their service again!
*pissed off*
this one is the must.
adam syahmi is gettin cuter!
and 'sepet'!
yeah, his mom n dad keep busy sending mms of his pic. budak bertuah!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
welcome to the world, adam
ha ha. my 1st nephew, adam syahmi borned at 11am April 30! he's 3.45kg! big boy! welcome to the world, adam! *smile*smile*smile happily*
abg long was over excited sending us tons of mms, just after he was borned. and we at d kampung too feel d excitement! LOL. so i'm goin` back kl early 1 day to meet d lucky baby at puchong. here, some wonderful snap to share :
hey hey everbody's happy :))
still in d kpmc, medical centre
insane peoples on road~
penat dah godek adam, i'm goin back to cheras. tadi about 330pm sampai. then mun joined me here at *mas, and we planned to srimas for something to pick up. and when i'm goin out d door with mun, i locked d main door from inside [push d lock for typical bedroom door]... and i closed it before mun unlocked d gate. then i asked her, "bukalah gate, kunci mana?"....... and she like, "i dun hv d key with me!" ....... OMG we stuck between d gate n d main door!
trapped at ur own house.
and i called alia [she's at srimas], fortunately i gave her d duplicate d day before i off to yong peng! if not, we r staying there till one of d guppies dat around m'sia in miracle come to save us! what a day! :rofl:
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