Annasophia Robb - Keep Your Mind Wide Open
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Have you ever seen the sky
So beautiful, colorful, wide and wonderful
Have you ever felt the sunshine
So brilliantly raining down over you and me
Have you ever wanted more
Wanted more
You've got to keep you mind wide open
All the possibilities
You've got to live with your eyes open
Believe in what you see
Think of all the days you waisted
Worrying, wandering, hopelessly hoping
Think of all the time ahead
Don't hesitate, compinplate
No its not too late
Have you ever wanted more
Don't you that's so much more
You've got to keep your mind wide poen
All the possibilities
You've to live with your eyes wide open
Believe in what you see
Tomorrow surrises
Full of surprises
Don't let them take you
Dreams away
You've got to keep your mind wide open
All the possibilities
You've got to lve with your eyes open
Believe in what you see
You've go to keep your mind wide open
All the possibilities
You've got to live with your eyes open
Believe in what you see
(you've got to keep your mind wide open)
Believe in what you see
(you've go to live with your eyes open)
Believe in what you see
annasophia robb doin` great in bridge to terabithia. i first noticed her as violet in charlie and the chocolate factory. and i love zooey deschanel too in bridge to terabithia. she really got sweet nice voice. too bad d soundtrack use d original singer, coz deschanel and d kids sang it better for me. :))
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
busy n lazy
bz. bz giler sampai xde mase update blog.
yeah ! dapat cuti lagi ! ! goin` home again ! !
yokatta~~~! can goin` home AGAIN dis week. get off on monday. so straight 5 days off. sat, sun, mon, tue, wed!~~~ huhu baka baka BPG forced us to klcc dis friday.. i just cant skipped friday coz still hv class in d evening! damn it. means i'm goin` home at nite! geeeeeeeez, menyusahkan!!
yeah, last friday dah balik yong peng. best giler coz dah lama x balik! [sebenarnye br sebulan] went sushi-ing kat carrefour ngan wawa. then sun nite mama masak ketam blackpepper. damn nice.. umaaaaaaaai! i enjoyed d moment i woke up n feel like.. aaaw, i'm home! having breakfast everyday which usually i'm not takin` any to class. main2 ngan lil cousins.. ili n atin especially, then we baked cookies at nitee.. woaa i wanna bake some lagi nanti balik! but 5 days home gonna make me bored too coz d internet connection hving some prob there rite now. duh..
ooops, ya i'm busy. submitted 80% of ma assigments. gonna work for d other 20%. jya neh?~
hey KIL, Hepi Belated to you! gonna have party when all d guppies back here okay?
yeah ! dapat cuti lagi ! ! goin` home again ! !
yokatta~~~! can goin` home AGAIN dis week. get off on monday. so straight 5 days off. sat, sun, mon, tue, wed!~~~ huhu baka baka BPG forced us to klcc dis friday.. i just cant skipped friday coz still hv class in d evening! damn it. means i'm goin` home at nite! geeeeeeeez, menyusahkan!!
yeah, last friday dah balik yong peng. best giler coz dah lama x balik! [sebenarnye br sebulan] went sushi-ing kat carrefour ngan wawa. then sun nite mama masak ketam blackpepper. damn nice.. umaaaaaaaai! i enjoyed d moment i woke up n feel like.. aaaw, i'm home! having breakfast everyday which usually i'm not takin` any to class. main2 ngan lil cousins.. ili n atin especially, then we baked cookies at nitee.. woaa i wanna bake some lagi nanti balik! but 5 days home gonna make me bored too coz d internet connection hving some prob there rite now. duh..
ooops, ya i'm busy. submitted 80% of ma assigments. gonna work for d other 20%. jya neh?~
hey KIL, Hepi Belated to you! gonna have party when all d guppies back here okay?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
sakit ati
mmg aku sakit ati. gaduh ngan kawan yg slama ni baik, close sgt ngan aku. gaduh ke? bukan gaduh.. dia yg merajuk. pelik punya manusia. slalu aku kene gurau, kene hentam aku kene terima la eyh? bila aku n yg lain2 wat x bleh plak eh? kenapa benda kecik nak besar2kan? nak sampai lebih 10 kali dipujuk br nak okay? kali ni? no way. ko nak putus kawan ngan aku pon aku xde hal. aku x rugi ape2. ko nak harap aku tegur ko? jangan harap. nak aku mintak maap? aku x salah. ko nangis? x bernilai air mata kau tu kalau x perangai masih camtuh. aku xde ko pon, member2 lain stand for me. ko? sape yg ko ade? selamat tinggal la kawan!
boleh ke kau kira bp byk nilai kawan2 dah korbankan untuk kau?
kesian kan kau?
boleh ke kau kira bp byk nilai kawan2 dah korbankan untuk kau?
kesian kan kau?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
orang yang bingung
i am back !
away bout a week for B.I.G [bina insan guru], camping at banting.. near to pantai morib wif ma coursemate, bout 40 peeps wif our tutors n lects.
it was very HOT there! gila gila panasssss.. we'r in d 2nd series. d guys in d 1st series agak malang coz tido dalam kebasahan sbb banjir, hujan tgh malam.. but all of us yg 2nd series pun malang sbb cam cacing kepanasan dalam khemah tu!! but maybe its better than get wet while u sleep! lol.
1st day [tuesday], x buat ape sgt, just set up d tent n some ldk. day 2, we climbed bukit jugra! gila penat.. bout 8km journey. pepun suma enjoy je walaupun letih. dlm perjalanan dapat lalu dan singgah skejap kat makam sultan abdul samad, tapak istana lama beliau.. agak besar tapi sayang x dijaga dgn baik, maybe sebab tanah private. then lalu kebun orang la, perkampungan kecil, jirat cina, panjat lagi sampai ke stesyen terakhir kat rumah api bukit jugra.

makam sultan abdul samad

baru je sampai kat umah api, letih dowh..

group "pohon beringin nan sebatang".. LOL
ondway turun bukit jugra

senyum suka sbb nak balik
back from bukit jugra, i realy2 loved it! water confidence!! yeah yeah yeah! went to pantai morib, put on d life jacket, floating on d water! its sooo FUN! i hv no probs wif water so i really2 njoy it. then..... buat sand's castel plak. nih walaupun competition, bit boring.. my group mmg byk cakap so lebih byk bgurau dr buat, kami x menang laa.. ha ha ha..
n since byk sgt aktiviti yg melibatkan air... aku x bawak camera or phone! so, NO PICS! [mayb membe2 lain ada, so just wait for update!]
day 3, kayak-ing!! i'm really damn good at dis. hehe try me! so, xde hal!
day 4, balik!
yes, keretaku pecah lagi.. ntahla, dah malas nak cakap. ptg smalam gak settlekan. habis cerita. habis duit. *sigh*
away bout a week for B.I.G [bina insan guru], camping at banting.. near to pantai morib wif ma coursemate, bout 40 peeps wif our tutors n lects.
it was very HOT there! gila gila panasssss.. we'r in d 2nd series. d guys in d 1st series agak malang coz tido dalam kebasahan sbb banjir, hujan tgh malam.. but all of us yg 2nd series pun malang sbb cam cacing kepanasan dalam khemah tu!! but maybe its better than get wet while u sleep! lol.
1st day [tuesday], x buat ape sgt, just set up d tent n some ldk. day 2, we climbed bukit jugra! gila penat.. bout 8km journey. pepun suma enjoy je walaupun letih. dlm perjalanan dapat lalu dan singgah skejap kat makam sultan abdul samad, tapak istana lama beliau.. agak besar tapi sayang x dijaga dgn baik, maybe sebab tanah private. then lalu kebun orang la, perkampungan kecil, jirat cina, panjat lagi sampai ke stesyen terakhir kat rumah api bukit jugra.
ondway turun bukit jugra
back from bukit jugra, i realy2 loved it! water confidence!! yeah yeah yeah! went to pantai morib, put on d life jacket, floating on d water! its sooo FUN! i hv no probs wif water so i really2 njoy it. then..... buat sand's castel plak. nih walaupun competition, bit boring.. my group mmg byk cakap so lebih byk bgurau dr buat, kami x menang laa.. ha ha ha..
n since byk sgt aktiviti yg melibatkan air... aku x bawak camera or phone! so, NO PICS! [mayb membe2 lain ada, so just wait for update!]
day 3, kayak-ing!! i'm really damn good at dis. hehe try me! so, xde hal!
day 4, balik!
yes, keretaku pecah lagi.. ntahla, dah malas nak cakap. ptg smalam gak settlekan. habis cerita. habis duit. *sigh*
Thursday, April 05, 2007
tension yg terpendam
kawaaaaaaiii!! cute eyh? my lil new mouse for ma laptop. grabbed it at Jusco Maluri for only rm21.90. yeah.. maybe u can find it anywhere, but i just like it.. *grins*
walaupun mase tuh purse tgh kering kontang, sanggup owe k mun rm10 for dis lil gadget. LOL.
siot ar, apsal classmates aku suma pakai compaq ar?? busuk giler.. x sangke aku yg anti acer pon pakai acer.. wargh~~~!! i want dat compaq tooo! toshiba or vaio ke.. nampak nice skit.. acer sgt typical looks. fragile n not in my ranks! i dun really like apple. dunno y, maybe coz susah sket nak handle software. my dad jus bought dis acer when i asked him one[laptop].. bought it without tanye pon aku nak brand ape, yg mcm mane, spec ape.. etc! waaa~~ aku nak windows vistaa!!! huih~ bak kate zul amai, "akhirnya, acer juga pilihan kau" cis.. i hate u zul~ *bertenang* well, just bersyukur jela ngan ape yg ade. yes, thankx GOD!
n akhirnya, siap jugak assignment encik yap! yatttaaaaaaa~~ 3 hr duk umah mengabiskan sisa2 waktu yg tgal. print ngan tangan pnuh ink. duh.. leganya dah antar. pulak tadi kelas abes awal. we went bowling! agak kecewa sbb syafiq yg beria2 nak g dulu x dpt join. kering konon! huh~ dlm 230 at ue3, me-im-mun-alia-rizal n am. naik 1 kereta! bayangkan la! ha ha. memula rizal ngan am nak nek moto, tapi pakse naik satu keta trus. senang x pyah nak tunggu2!
n rizal n am, yg kononnya 1st timer men bowling, playing like shit. kalah la strike aku. bleh bilang sblah tangan je. tp still x bleh beat aku kan? ha ha. main ngan diorang x stress sgt cam main ngan fendy & co. sbb ade saingan! haha. besh giler. njoy sgt. smpai rase penat nak mati.. warghh~~ ngantoknyeeee~
pssssst. esok kelas pg, mdm xde.. so bleh skip. bangun lmbat.. yeeeeeeeeey~~!
ah ye, to d guppies; mish u mish u alottt~~~!
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