aarghhhhhh bencinye bencinye .. moooooooody nyaaaaaaaa~!! shitt life sux n fux! apsal suma benda aku kene wat????? cilake,,,,, teamwork konon..... nyesaaaaaaaallllllll team ngan korrrrrrrg!! agak da benda ni jadiiiiiii punya!! damn lagi seeeko yg x reti bahasssssaaaaaa ,, ade otak bleyh pk xxxxxxx??? !@#$%^&*(!!
korg x ske bace, boleh BLAH!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
home CNY
tho bit late.. Happy CNY to all malaysian especially my chinese fwends~
Gong Xi Fa Cai ~!
ay ay.. home at last. back wif ma bro, ebby.. he drove back his new blue savvy. quite nice but i hv no chance to try coz i'm bad at manual. huhuhu. at least dun need to spend ma money for d fuel n PLUS fees. *wink*
we reached home at 4 am, sunday. not doin much on sunday, i went for d 2nd gath girls planned by imah on monday. i'd doa selamat at home at noon n went to MB pt raja [again??] at 320 pm. i'm surprised when anur n yatie joined us. coz me, or maybe some of d others not really closed wif 'em. well, its imah's planned.. so jalan jela.. more over, its more to celebrating imah b4 she fly dis April.. eyh April ke? nvm.. ;p
i' having very very bad diarrhoea!! i dunno wats wrong wif ma stomach lately! damn.. its happened since last year. guess i need to go to doctor. shiit... i hate doctors~ not bcause i'm scare or wateva... just hate waiting at d clinic.. owh no.. i drank 4 bottles vitagen today hope ma stomach 'll gettin better. its hurting! and just now, my eldest bro back from cameron wif his wife. he bought lots lots strawberry for us.. n me n lil sis like.. WoaAaoooa~~ dip wif honey .. superlicious~! yum yum~
n.. i'm doin dis AGAIN for my manly face.. duh.. none of em matchs me pun~
http://www.myheritage.com |
Happy CNY peoples~..
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
sports day d0ne !! ha ha~ 12,13 n 14 feb. walaupun 'pasukan hotlink' dpt 3rd place, best tetap best. n walaupun lompatan kijangku mcm kancil, best tetap best ;D hehe
last day tadi, paling best coz.. makan best.. haha.. of coz la ade events yg aku suker.. 4 x 100 n 4 x 400. berbaloi kehabisan suara bile girls maju menang gold dua2 events tuh.. ksian team boys, sbb byk yg injured. berpagar girls pun best sbb nampak tough giler n bit funny biler sorg girl tu teragak2 nak melompat.. huhu camne tah gaknye klu aku yg masuk? haha. pepun tahniah le kat suma atlit umah maju n lain2 atas komitmen yg diberi, aku mmg ske sports nih, cuma x berkudrat nak membuat je. :D
tahniah gak kat housemates aku yg involved dlm pergerakan kreatif, korg mmg lawak! haha

back: kish,me n aicu[gold runner 4x1,4x4 n duta 100plus kitorg!]
front: fafa n kil
hehe lega giler dah abesh!

pergerakan kreatif
-stadium bola sepak kuala lumpur-
semalam, events habis awal, kul 230 pm, cabut g klcc ngan kak mun n rizal. g tgk pameran sains islam on purpose nak wat assignment TITAS. hehe x sangka jumpa yg lain2 kat sane.. esok dah nak tutup br nak g ye? hehehe :D
pas amik pics yg perlu, g makan kat pizza hut.. bual lama2 then lepak lagi smpai kul 8 lebey kurg, balik semula ke cheras..

rizal ngan aku mase pameran.
nak bwat keje ke nak lepak je nih?
ay.. 3 days left.. nak balik kampung!!!!!!!!
last day tadi, paling best coz.. makan best.. haha.. of coz la ade events yg aku suker.. 4 x 100 n 4 x 400. berbaloi kehabisan suara bile girls maju menang gold dua2 events tuh.. ksian team boys, sbb byk yg injured. berpagar girls pun best sbb nampak tough giler n bit funny biler sorg girl tu teragak2 nak melompat.. huhu camne tah gaknye klu aku yg masuk? haha. pepun tahniah le kat suma atlit umah maju n lain2 atas komitmen yg diberi, aku mmg ske sports nih, cuma x berkudrat nak membuat je. :D
tahniah gak kat housemates aku yg involved dlm pergerakan kreatif, korg mmg lawak! haha
front: fafa n kil
hehe lega giler dah abesh!
-stadium bola sepak kuala lumpur-
semalam, events habis awal, kul 230 pm, cabut g klcc ngan kak mun n rizal. g tgk pameran sains islam on purpose nak wat assignment TITAS. hehe x sangka jumpa yg lain2 kat sane.. esok dah nak tutup br nak g ye? hehehe :D
pas amik pics yg perlu, g makan kat pizza hut.. bual lama2 then lepak lagi smpai kul 8 lebey kurg, balik semula ke cheras..
nak bwat keje ke nak lepak je nih?
ay.. 3 days left.. nak balik kampung!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
omg, its mine
why do you think i look extremely really happy there? he he he.. of coz i'm having a really great day today! oopss.. today's post 'll in malay coz its easier for me to express my feeling.. woaaa~~~
1st of coz sbb xde kelas... yeah~~~ tp g gak maktab(its unusual for me to call it institute) .. went to the library sbb kene jumpa akak dr UPSI tu.. ade la hal ckit.. then balik mmg plan nak g JJ dr smalam lg ngan kilod sbb nak beli track bot for training.. n maybe some shirt 2.. tgk2, dak2 'guppies' yg lain nak ikut. [housemates yg huru hara tu la]. diorg ajak g makan kat pizza hut. mementang la elaun tesl masuk awal, duh geram jek. mula i say "NO" tp then diorg paksa gak join n ckp nak blanje plak.. yela mementang aku drive, huhuhu.
jalan JAMMED!! geram giler. PANAS. SAKIT HATI. aku mmg bukan org yg penyabar. tapi i'm a good driver! x boleh tgk org drive sampai susahkan org lain. walaupun JJ tu depan pizza hut je.. terus xde mood nak g shopping. coz i planned nak g training kul 5 wif kilod. takut x sempat coz dah lama sgt tperangkap kat jalan. so terus masuk pizza hut n order. but riena ngan erma g jj sementara tunggu order sampai. chitchat2 smpai order suma dah smpai, guppies ber2 tu x sampai2 lagi.. aku dahle tgh lapar, bantai dulu bolognaise ngan soup tuh. tetiba datang la guppies ber2 tu dgn .. a CAKE - dgn iringan lagu HAPPY BIRTHDAY. ha? ha? ha? sapa punya b'day? = dlm hati aku.. OMG its mine! dah sebulan lebih lepas b'day aku diorg bleh ceb plak! ha ha ha.. lucunya pasal diorg tunggu elaun keluar.. ha ha ha.. guppies aku mmg BEST!
dan diorang, berjaya mengejutkan aku ptg tadi.. hu hu hu
aku mmg hargai sgt ape yg korg buat.. tapi x termasuk korang malukan aku nyanyi dgn melody yg x berapa nak betul dn begitu kuat sehingga semua pelanggan piza hut rase nak keluar dgn segera.. ha ha ha. best betul gelak gila2 hari ni.. aku pun tau teslian2 nih baru je lepas diorg punya keje2 HIGHLIGHT cam drama la, test la, OP lah.. pastu dpt plak elaun.. dasyat abis.. berganda la keseronokan eyh. and ptg td gak. it ended wif me n kilod skipped training for today. mood dah sedap, g shopping la beb~ dpt gak beli track bot n red sports shirt demi pasukan hotlink.. huhu
ah ye, thanx gak kat classmates n tutor ku yg ceb bday dak2 JAN n FEB. trimas kpd pn yusnaili yg men-sponsor cake n jamuan makan.. :D ge ge ge ge ge ge [bunyi org hepi]
terima kasih again kat korg suma.. love u guys~! :x :x :x
n nampaknye.. esok pg, kene la g training mgantikan ptg td.. actually i hurt my leg yesterday mase training lompat kijang.. its really painful! sakit tu rase lg when i push d car pedal.. i hope it'l gettin better tomorrow so i dun hv prob to face it on d sports day. owh god~ it's my 1st time taking part in lompat kijang since last year there's no female contestant in dis part. i skipped running dis year since all d juniors seems really good on dat. go MAJU! ha ha. well, jd PR kilod lagi la tahun ni :)) ~
Sunday, February 04, 2007
listening to maksim
i'm not planning to blog till sukantara done, but erma just cant stop asking when is my next post. what? do u think i'm reporting news? LOL. du du du du.. .... see? i dunno what to say..
hurm, sukantara is tiring !! i'd done d high jump and 100metre last friday, n i'l be doin 800m, long jump n lontar peluru[forgot wat it called in english?] next tuesday. he he he he.. ape yg aku hepi sgt? ada improvement beb! i got 2 points from high jump n full points(3) for 100m! tho Shalu left me far at her back. LOL. n then, my body ache all weekends.. duh..
ha! i feel so great wif my pc back to me! its exciting to have my 17' flat screen back to normal. so dat the others kan? :)) . its good to have it back but then.. i'm repeating d bad habit; netting 24/7! sleeping n netting n sleeping again.. n i'm not done my asgment yet but gaia-ing again ![playing gaiaonline, one of my fav online games].


n dis, i'm washing mr cheap using d washing machine.. ha ha ha poor mr cheap ;D
gegegegegegege.. i'm planning to jog dis morning n yesterday with the others but it ends wif us sleepin to death. oi peoples! kalahla "pasukan hotlink" macam ni~! [actually its rumah maju (red)] . sore jya, bye!
hurm, sukantara is tiring !! i'd done d high jump and 100metre last friday, n i'l be doin 800m, long jump n lontar peluru[forgot wat it called in english?] next tuesday. he he he he.. ape yg aku hepi sgt? ada improvement beb! i got 2 points from high jump n full points(3) for 100m! tho Shalu left me far at her back. LOL. n then, my body ache all weekends.. duh..
ha! i feel so great wif my pc back to me! its exciting to have my 17' flat screen back to normal. so dat the others kan? :)) . its good to have it back but then.. i'm repeating d bad habit; netting 24/7! sleeping n netting n sleeping again.. n i'm not done my asgment yet but gaia-ing again ![playing gaiaonline, one of my fav online games].
gegegegegegege.. i'm planning to jog dis morning n yesterday with the others but it ends wif us sleepin to death. oi peoples! kalahla "pasukan hotlink" macam ni~! [actually its rumah maju (red)] . sore jya, bye!
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