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hye peeps, i'm home. yesterday. at night. nearly 9pm. *sigh...
the journey home was disaster again.. hum, dun wanna talk bout it. i'm going back to kl 2morrow, 8 am from bp. i went to bp just now. wif ma fam. nice. we hv asam pedas 2gether.. ah ye,i sat 4 muet yesterday mornin. da writing paper quite tough coz i hvnt enough time.. ok close topic.14/04/06
We went to FRIM, Kepong.. damn bosan at 1st coz 2 many probs happened..
then start daki tuh mmg rase sengsara but i really enjoyed it.. naik 2run, naik 2run.. at last smpai gak jmbtn gantung tu.. phew, nice view beb! after dat we went to canopy walkaway, super nice! unlucky aku x bwk cam, n x smpat mintak kat ecah 4 upload. next time maybe. ah ye, lawatan ni under jabatan PSV. baguslah lawatan ni cume serabut time nak start.. makan pon sedap ;p~
kitorg yg kepenatani'll go 4 another camping dis may.. 12-14may at janda baik, insya-Allah kalau jd la.. ya, i luv outdoor actvts, kalau nak g mana2 tu ajak la aku sama ek!~ ;p
aha, i'll get ma house key dis may! kat mana? secret ar.. kukukuku
kay jya neh.. nanti ade mase post lg.. otei, pai!B-day!!
hepi belated to laila nazneen, my best buddy!
to lail ;p [28 & 2x?]
MAY - Happy Bday drkines, and my best fellow; Imnie Farhana!! saaayang ko im! [aku xde dwet la now nih..] hehehe
me.. what a creepy day 4 me n kilod! nak tau pe citer? hehe..semalam after duty, we packed out stuff n went to pudu, bought 2 tickets to Jay Bee at Konsortium counter; promised it's the bus, then to platform 23.. what a liar, it's Damai Xpress bus with a messy driver! the bus was very damn old condition, moved very slow, n quite noisy with the minah2 indon yg memekak.. shitto~! geram giler, rase nak bakar bas tu tp nanti x sampai umah laks, blacklist damai xpress!! sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga, dat stupid bus x singgah lucky garden pon!! argh~!! mase tu rase nak balik semula pudu, bunuh akak kat kaunter tuh.. damn giler, terpaksa turun kat air hitam.. n my mum ask me to naik bas ke yong peng.
bas ke yp.......? hah? hah? hah? mane aku retiii....! dah jatuh ditimpa tangga, anjing datag menggigit barangkali.. tunggu punya tunggu bas xde gak, dahle cr toilet pon x jumpa.. hampeh giler.. at last tpaksa naik bas ke BP n turun kat my previous skool aka my dad's skool. met my dad there n we went home 2gether.. *sobs*
what a unlucky day~!
while i'm in the car home, kilod msg me.. hahaha, x sangka die pon senasib, sampai je larkin die terus beli tiket bus balik kl, but then duit die x cukup untuk tambang balik umah n there's no ATM there.. kakakaka, fortunately, she got fren there n she helped her home.. huhuhu kita seroopaa.. =pum.. isnin x cuti but selasa cuti.. nak skip isnin, bley balik lmbat.. tp rs x sdap ati plak.. yelah dak baik la katekan.. huhu, kalo x skip.. kene la balik sok.. isk~ selasa cuti duk hostel sure bosan, x sabo aku nak blah cpat2 dr hostel tuh.. bleyla aku g men bowlin ke, ice skatin ke, hape ke klo cuti.. ujung minggu lepak jelah.. um, what else? jya neh.. matta ooooo~~Happy Birthday to Kilod [24/4] !! huhuhu ko nak present per oi? nak soft toy? aku bagi mr bunny nak? hahahahha huhuhuu kekekeke.. uhuk2..~